C&R Civic Inc
By Allen Davidson, President
Lifelong commitment to the industrial arts is something that you can find in our people. All of them learned to work with their hands from their fathers. It just happens to be true for many good mechanics and it’s true of us. My own father was a fabricator in the prototype shop for the P47 Thunderbolt at Republic Aviation during WWII. I can remember him teaching me how motors work by bringing home some wood, a coil of wire, a couple of bearings and some odd and ends. In an afternoon he built an electric motor and I learned that the built world was something that could be understood. Working in the trades is a good strategy for making a dependable living, it’s common to specialize in a particular trade as an efficient way of finding work. Typically contractors are administrators that bring together the various capabilities needed to accomplish a particular project. Our path has been a little different. We can bring artisanal skills to a wide range of custom fabrications and installations. In an age old industry in which competition is well developed we’ve learned to specialize in not specializing . If you look at our portfolio you’ll see work including advanced metal work and welding, woodworking, glass work, masonry, and many other specialties. It’s just turned out that when we find a project that’s a little unusual and requires abilities in several industrial disciplines we’re more likely to get the job. We’ve taken a “do it yourself” attitude to a professional level.